It was a long time coming, and quite a big undertaking, but Reciprocity Images finally has a fresh coat of paint to catch it up to the 21st century. After a few sleepless nights tweaking the code and setting up the new galleries, the site is now live- If you come along anything out of place or something that doesn’t work quite right, please let me know so I can look into it. I’ll be slowly adding to the galleries and fixing a few small bugs that are still running loose over the next few weeks, but perhaps from now on the site will be kept better updated in the future- That means no more looking at the same photos from five years ago! So, be sure to subscribe via RSS, or sign up for email updates to stay in touch and be notified whenever there’s new content.
Along with the new redesign, I will also implement the possibility to purchase prints and license images directly from the website as well as view a larger number of images in the archives. It’s something I have been considering for a long time now, so I hope that the effort and costs will be worth it in the end. So if you happen to have a blank space on your wall, or are looking for something for your next design project, check the galleries and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any specific needs.